PiecesVertes.com - Pieces d'autos d'origine usagées
Merci d'acheter des pièces d'autos vertes de qualité - Par ce geste vous luttez contre la pollution, économisez de l'énergie, prolongez la vie utile de votre véhicule tout en épargnant de l'argent.

The advantage of recycled parts

What are "green recycler partsTM"?

Recycled parts, named "green recycler partsTM", are OEM parts from recycled vehicles. They are guaranteed and of superior quality to new aftermarket parts which are less resistant to wear.

Why choose "green recycler partsTM"?

Talking about green recycler partsTM, it's looking at the auto recycling industry with a new perspective of complete recycling, end of waste and, mostly, it's raising the public's awareness to the huge loss that is unused car debris. Buying green recycler partsTM of piecesvertes.com quality, it's prolonging the life of one's car at a lesser cost -- because a recycled part is often about 50% cheaper than a new OEM part -- while respecting the environment.

Report - FRENCH, PDF:
Environmental and socioeconomical analysis of the auto parts recycling life cycle in Quebec

To avoid the manufacturing of a new part

By considering the entire life cycle, placing a recycled part back onto the market produces less impact on all environmental aspects than manufacturing a new OEM or generic part.

To prolong the useful life of existing parts

Vehicle parts recycling makes it possible to prolong the life of still functionnal parts, which would otherwise be sent to salvage. It was confirmed that reusing auto parts is more beneficial than scrapping them.

To reduce greenhouse gas

The table below presents how much the carbon footprint of certain parts is reduced for a recycled part, compared to a new part. On the right, the equivalent amount of greenhouse gas is showed, according to the amount produced by a car.

Engine: 1050 kg CO2-éq. (4000 km) // Other: 950 kg CO2-éq. (3600 km) // Door: 255 kg CO2-éq. (850 km)

The PIECESVERTES.COM website includes data from Hollander's interchange information, which is © 2012 Audatex North America, Inc.

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